north carolina

North Carolina Bans All Bathrooms

The North Carolina legislature has responded to the backlash from its recent anti-LGBTQ law by banning all bathrooms throughout the state.

Yes, Virginia, There Is an Equality Clause

Yesterday, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Virginia’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples violates the 14th Amendment’s Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses. That paves the way for Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina to allow same-sex couples to marry.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

It’s a big, fat roundup to close out the week — some of the stories I haven’t covered already. Enjoy!

New Federal Case for Second-Parent Adoptions Could Affect Families in Many States

The ACLU has filed a new federal case in North Carolina, seeking to overturn the state’s ban on second-parent adoption. A win would mean that kids being raised by same-sex couples could have “legally protected relationships with both of the parents who are raising them.” Because the case was brought under the federal constitution, a win could have an impact on other states as well.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Here are some of the LGBT parenting stories that caught my eye this week, which I haven’t written about in other posts:

North Carolina Ad Shows Harm Marriage Inequality Does to Children

Marriage inequality harms children. Obvious to most readers here, I imagine—but the right-wing has long owned the “best interests of the children” argument in advertising and media. Now, however, one LGBT advocacy coalition is taking back that argument, in hopes of defeating yet another state constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples, this time Amendment One in North Carolina. See their new ad after the jump.

Weekly Political Roundup

The Michigan House voted to ban benefits for domestic partners of all public employees in the state. The bill now goes to the Senate. North Carolina’s legislature approved a ballot measure to ask voters whether to ban marriage for same-sex couples under the state constitution. It is already banned by statute. I covered the story

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