
LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

For the first LGBTQ Parenting Roundup of 2025, we have some awful news about anti-LGBTQ legislation—but also some more hopeful headlines. Come see what’s happening!

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

Here are a few stories I haven’t covered on my blog yet. Pull up a cup of coffee (or an icy beverage, if the weather’s like it is near me) and enjoy.

Ohio Lesbian Moms Lead Way in Opening Up Marriage Recognition for ALL

A federal court in Ohio on Friday announced that it will soon rule that the state’s ban on recognizing the out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples is unconstitutional — bringing immediate relief to the four married plaintiff couples seeking to ensure their children’s legal security by having both parents on their children’s birth certificates.

Moms Fighting for ENDA

Marriage equality isn’t the only area where moms have been in the news this week pushing for LGBT equality. Two Ohio mothers with LGBT children are leading a campaign asking parents and relatives of LGBT people to encourage their senators to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

Lesbian Mom Expelled from Boy Scouts Speaks Out

I wrote the other day about Ohio mom Jennifer Tyrrell, whom the Boy Scouts expelled as den leader of her son’s Cub Scout troop because she is a lesbian. Now, her Change.org petition asking the Boy Scouts to reconsider their policy of not permitting gay Scouts or leaders has gained nearly 130,000 signatures. Tyrrell also

Boy Scouts Kick Lesbian Den Leader Out of Son’s Den

The Boy Scouts of America has recently told Jennifer Tyrrell, a lesbian mom in Ohio, that because of her sexual orientation, she can no longer serve as the den leader of her son’s local Cub Scout chapter. Although parents of the other boys in the den supported her, the local Boy Scout council revoked her membership. After the jump, find out what Tyrrell and the other parents are doing in response, and how you can help.

Victory for Lesbian Mom in Ohio: Marriage Ban Does Not Block Child Custody

Add another court victory to the recent Prop 8 and DOMA wins. The Eighth District Court of Appeals in Ohio last week rejected an attempt to use the state’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage to prevent a lesbian mother from sharing custody of her children with her former partner. Lambda Legal, which represents Rita Goodman

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Personal Matters Sex and the City actor and lesbian mom Cynthia Nixon is the first “celebrity expert” at 365gay.com, where she tackles the question “I think my 7-year-old is gay and kids are starting to tease him. How do I help him or what should I do?” We Are Goodkin profiles Kimbo Prichard and Natasha

LGBT Parenting Roundup

First, something not specific to parenting but that affects LGBT families with and without children: The Bilerico Project and many other blogs are holding a blogswarm today asking readers to contact Speaker Nancy Pelosi at 202-225-4965 and request that she move the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to a floor vote. Further details are here. One

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