valentine’s day

Pride flags on rainbow heart background

Of Love and Family

Love makes a family, the saying goes—but for LGBTQ families, there’s a lot behind that simple statement.

LGBTQ Children's Books for Valentine's Day

40+ LGBTQ Kids’ Books About Love for Valentine’s Day

Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day with some LGBTQ-inclusive picture books on love! Here are some of my favorites (including a bunch of new ones for this year) that showcase different kinds of love: romantic, familial, and otherwise.

30 LGBTQ Kids’ Books About Love for Valentine’s Day

Many, many LGBTQ-inclusive kids’ books are at heart about love, but some foreground it more than others. Romantic love, familial love, and loving friendships—here are some of my favorite tales, for Valentine’s Day or any time of year!

Valentine's Day - LGBTQ Kids Books with a Theme of Love

20+ LGBTQ-Inclusive Kids’ Books About Love

On a certain level, I’d argue that most LGBTQ-inclusive picture books have a theme of love—but here are a few that particularly showcase that emotion in some of its many forms, from romantic love to family love to deep and abiding friendships. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Chocolate Valentine's Cake

Love and Family on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day may not be a specifically LGBTQ holiday like Pride or National Coming Out Day, but it has long felt to me like a very queer time of year. And while it has become somewhat clichéd to say that “love makes a family,” the sentiment remains absolutely true. Love does more than that, however.

A Day of Love

Love may not be all we need, John Lennon notwithstanding, but it’s a start. My own spouse is overseas on business today, but as this is the 24th Valentine’s Day we’ve spent together, we both know that our love transcends a single day. Love, in fact, transcends a whole lot.

Zales ad

Zales Reprises Same-Sex Couple in Valentine’s Day Ad

Jeweler Zales’ Valentine’s Day ad this year includes the same two-bride couple who premiered in their winter holiday ad last November and sparked the ire of right-wing group One Million Moms. Clearly, that hasn’t slowed the company down.


Celebrating Our Love on Valentine’s Day

My spouse and I have been together for nearly 23 years. Sometimes, mired in the daily grind of work and household chores and our son’s activities, it is easy to forget the sense of romance that drew us together in the first place. We still love each other, but get caught up in the practicalities

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