Reader Story: Musical Pipes Redux

Reader Erin was kind enough to send me some pictures of the musical PVC pipe set she made with her older daughter and her daughter’s friends, based on my Musical Pipes post. They gave the set to her younger daughter’s school—which is a great idea, since I admit it is a little large to keep in the living room. She writes:

Oh. My. Gosh. You would NOT believe how popular the instrument is! The kids are loving it. . . .

Thanks again for the fantastic idea. Sophie even used the chop saw by herself on one of the wood cuts. Talk about being proud of herself. . . .

I thought the kids would enjoy it, but had no idea that they’d love it as much as they do. The school will probably be permanently mounting it to a wall.

Erin was also the first interviewee in my Family Voices series. Thanks again, Erin, for sharing part of your life with us.

Sophie and the PipesAnnaliese Plays Pipes

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