Join Us October 29 for Write to Marry Day

Write to Marry DayPlease join bloggers around the country and around the world on Wednesday, October 29 to blog in support of marriage equality for same-sex couples and against California’s Proposition 8.

The event will give bloggers a chance to voice their opposition to Prop 8 and highlight what they may have already done, online or off, to stop the measure. The campaign will also educate California voters of the need to “go all the way” down the ballot to vote on the proposition.

Mike Rogers of PageOneQ approached me last week to ask if I’d organize a blog carnival like Blogging for LGBT Families Day, but this time to help generate awareness and action against Prop 8. I readily agreed, and here it is.

To participate, post on your own blog against Prop 8 on or before October 29, 2008, then submit the link to your post by completing the form below. Links to your own videos on YouTube or other video sites are also accepted.

Many of you have already done much to try and stop Prop 8 in California, donating and raising money, blogging, and talking with friends and family. Please share your efforts and post about them for Write to Marry Day, or submit a link to a previous post. This will help us create a comprehensive view of bloggers’ efforts to stop Prop 8.

I urge you to spread the word about this event as widely as possible, on both LGBT and mainstream sites. All bloggers who are against Prop 8 are welcome to contribute posts, regardless of where they live or whether they are LGBT or not.

I will showcase the full list of participants here on October 29.

Not only that, but all participants who leave a valid e-mail address will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate to

You can track this event by joining the Write to Marry event on Facebook or MySpace, or by following Mombian on Twitter.

Thanks to corporate sponsors Witeck-Combs Communications and Renna Communications for their with the event. Thanks also to Mike Tidmus for the graphics.

Download an event banner here for use on your own blogs. Submit your posts below.

17 thoughts on “Join Us October 29 for Write to Marry Day”

  1. Thank you, Dana.

    Hope is a delicate little hothouse flower, a wee little filament. But this kind of thing helps me nurse it a bit longer.

    I’ll definitely be sending in something for your list. Thank you, and thank Mike. The netroots activism on this issue is tremendous, and that’s just what we need to pull this out. Which we can. If everyone keeps beating the drum like this.


  2. You have the full support of our Boston area readers who count ourselves as very fortunate to have full equality in Massachusetts. We want to help fight so EVERYONE in our great nation has total GLBT equality!

    David, Wicked Gay Blog

  3. Thanks for doing this! I am a Unitarian Universalist Minister from Austin, Tx. on sabbatical in Redwood City. We went through this insult in my home state a few years ago. I hope that California won’t fall for it like my misguided Lone Star’s did. Vote NO Golden State!!


    Chuck Freeman

  4. You have the full and active support of the progressive city of Sacramento. In 2002, Sacramento was called “America’s Most Integrated City” and “Most Tolerant of Diversity.” Then a flood of Slavic evangelical immigrants came to our community and in 2006 violent protestors began appearing at every lgbt community event. Hate crimes against our community have risen every year since and, as you likely know, a beautiful young man, Satendar Singh, was murdered by a group of young Russian families simply because they perceived him to be gay. We must, in every endeavor, stop hate and support love. This fight is national, but for us it has been a very difficult local battle for the last six years. These are the supporters of prop 8 and that is why we must defeat it.

    Dan, Up4Now – Sacramento, CA

  5. We actually had prepared a blog on this subject a few days ago, but after seeing your website we held it until today.

    This isn’t just happening in California. For those of you in Arizona, please vote NO on Proposition 102 and for those of you in Florida, please vote NO on Amendment 2.

  6. Please help defeat California ’s Prop 8.

    On Oct 1, 2008 my life partner Jesse Gonzalez and I were able to do in California what we could not do here in Texas . We are very happy to announce that after spending 20th year together as life partners we were married in San Francisco , CA . We fully understand that we still will not enjoy any of the benefits of our marriage here in Texas , but it is a start to help tear down another wall that we in the GLBT community face.

    “ California ’s Prop 8 would eliminate equal protections and put discrimination into California’s state constitution”

    There are forces in this great country of ours that believe that GLBT persons should not enjoy the same rights and protections under the law that they themselves enjoy. Jesse and I strongly believe that all laws should treat everyone equally. It is with that thought in mind that we ask you to help use defeat the California’s Prop 8 ballot measure. Please make a donation today.

    Your donation will help our GLBT Brothers and Sisters who one day may wish to marry the person that they love. Help is also needed to help defeat Florida ’s Amendment 2. Both of these ballot measures seek to ban gay marriages by changing these state Constitutions. The Florida Amendment would also ban Civil Unions and Domestic Partnership benefits for gay and lesbian couples in that state.

    We may live in Texas but we can help tear down walls and stop new walls of discrimination from being built in this great nation.

    Please make your donations today to defeat the California ballot measure at:

    NO to Prop 8

    Last, if you know people that live in California and or Florida please call them and ask that they VOTE NO on these ballot measures.

    Thank you for supporting equal protection for all.

    Kevin J Hoffman

  7. I am glad to see so many saying NO on 8 here in California. Its time we wake up, and stop the hate, misunderstanding, as well as trying to take away rights of Americans. Funny we love America, but hate Americans. Hmm how
    Christian is that?

  8. We are married in California by virtue of our awesome Canadian marriage 5 years ago.

    We are American citizens by birth.

    We live in Pennsylvania where, after living together in Love for the past 32 years, we are still legal strangers.

    We are so grateful that NO amount of Californian or any American-style heterosupremacy can ever undo our Canadian marriage.

    A resounding majority vote of NO on this heterosexist Proposition 8 would preserve our California-recognized marriage.

    We know of NO self-respecting happily married American heterosexuals who would even stand for having their civil right of marriage being put up to a public vote without their rioting in the streets to stop it from getting this far!

    The concept of writing inhumane prejudice into a constitution feels completely unAmerican to us.

    This hate-inspired Proposition 8 looks simply immoral to this old married couple who were joined by a loving God 32 wonderful years ago.

  9. It figures – I found this page the day AFTER the No on 8 Blog Day :( I’m in Baltimore, but lived for a while in the Inland Empire (SoCal), and I have been praying for Prop 8 to go down big time. Even though I’m late, I’m submitting my blog anyway. Here’s hoping for marriage equality for all of us!

  10. Just a note to thank you and, presumably, Michael for this endeavor. We are in for a very long night on Tuesday. I only hope that – by early Wednesday morning – fairness and reason will prevail over bigotry and fear mongering.

    Write to Marry depicts the very best of the GLBT community. Its facilitators have every right to be very proud of this accomplishment.

    David Hart

  11. Pingback: Friday Family Roundup (10/24) | Green Dads

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