December 2010

Happy Kwanzaa!

A very happy Kwanzaa to those of you celebrating it this week. While the holiday is not a part of my own tradition, I do think there is much value in the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. The world would be a better place if more people took them to heart. Whatever you are or have […]

I Saw Mommy Kissing Mrs. Claus

A very merry Christmas to those of you celebrating the holiday! Don your . . . well, you know, and enjoy the time with your families. I hope Rudolph (or, as we call him in our mutli-culti family, the shamash) and the team brought you all you wanted for the holiday. Posting will be light

Barney Forgot An Agenda Item

When it comes to acerbic wit among politicians, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) is second to none. His response to a right-wing reporter about the issue of “showering with homosexuals” in the military is priceless: “What do you think happens in gyms all over America? … We don’t get ourselves dry-cleaned.” (See it on video at Pam’s.)

20 Years of Stories by Children of LGBTQ Parents

COLAGE, the national organization for people with one or more LGBTQ parents, has a great new video out chronicling the history of the organization and the first generation of COLAGEers—young people who were finding their voices and building a community of support and activism. From the video: “We had these stories that as soon as

North Carolina Supreme Court Says Second-Parent Adoption Not Legal

Just when I was starting to get all happy about the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal comes a court ruling that really pisses me off. The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a second-parent adoption by state Sen. Julia Boseman of her ex-partner Melissa Jarrell’s son was invalid. The ruling could jeopardize other

Your Input Wanted: Ridiculous Questions About Lesbian Moms

A reader wrote to me and asked if I’d share the following question for your input. It’s a good one. Have at: “What is the most challenging, ridiculous, offensive or just plain confusing question you and your family have ever been asked about being lesbian moms?”

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Is Dead

The U.S. Senate just followed the House and voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the military’s ban on openly lesbian or gay servicemembers. As someone married to a former Air Force captain, and with lesbian friends still serving, I say, “Woo hoo!” We still have a long way to go before same-sex partners/spouses of

Weekly Political Roundup

Don’t Ask. There’s no telling. The Senate vote on repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is scheduled for tomorrow. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) is planning to have service members sitting in the public gallery of the Senate chamber until the vote. Remember ENDA? Chris Geidner of Metro Weekly has a good article on what

Lesbian Moms Practice “Transformative Diplomacy” in Albania

For many of us, becoming moms means barely having time to get the laundry done, much less help establish a grassroots LGBT organization in a foreign country, assist them in passing a LGBT-inclusive national antidiscrimination law, and set up “a vibrant and active” LGBT community where none existed.

That’s exactly what Mindy R. Michels and Melissa E. Schraibman did, however, and the U.S. State Department has honored them for it.

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 119

After a few weeks hiatus, I’m back with a new vlog about LGBT parenting books and videos of 2010—great for holiday gifts! (Those of you who prefer your gifts guides in text could try my earlier written post.) Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 12-16-2010 Uploaded by drudolph. – Watch more LGBT videos. (If the embedded

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