November 2011

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Here are some of the parenting-specific LGBT stories of late: Deborah Skolnik of writes at CNN of “The new normal: Stay-at-home Dads and gay parents.”  A nice piece that shows the many different varieties of families and family organization. Allison Sherry at the Denver Post profiles U.S. Reps. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and Cory Gardner […]

LGBTQ Parents Needed for Study: Massachusetts and Texas

Kate Henley Averett, a graduate student in sociology at the University of Texas, is seeking LGBTQ parents for a study of parenting philosophies and practices. At the moment, she says at her Web site: I am looking for LGBTQ couples in Massachusetts and Texas who are parents of children ages 10 and under to be

Lesbian Teen Provides Lifeline of Books to LGBT Youth

(I broke this story a few weeks ago in my Mombian newspaper column, reprinted below. It’s about a lesbian teen making a difference—and underscores for me how much things have changed since I was a teen. Despite the horror stories we still hear about bullying, suicide, and other ills, there are more gay-straight alliance clubs,

Happy Turkey Baster Awareness Day 2011

A very happy Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating it this week. Remember to make the turkey baster jokes before your relatives do. Posting will be light here for a few days as our family will be stuffing ourselves with poultry and pie.

Blogging for Adoption: There Are No “Alternative” Families

The Family Equality Council is holding a “Blogging Adoption” day today in honor of National Adoption Month. I’ve written a lot about adoption lately—some great new resources have just come out, including a book looking at recent research on adoption by lesbians and gay men, edited by David Brodzinsky and Adam Pertman of the Evan

A Weekend of Triple Remembrance

Today is International Survivors of Suicide Day and National Adoption Day. Tomorrow  marks the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Three separate observances, but each of which has meaning for many of us as members of the LGBT community. No one deserves to die from hatred and prejudice, or because they saw no alternative to suicide. Every child deserves a permanent

Weekly Political Roundup

Reps. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), along with Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME), introduced the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act in their respective houses. The Act would offer the same benefits to the same-sex domestic partners of federal employees as to opposite-sex married spouses. The U.S. Department of Health and

Iowa Court to Decide If Both Lesbian Moms Can Go on Child’s Birth Certificate

Yes, same-sex couples can marry in Iowa—but a state district court heard arguments last week in a case to determine whether the child born to a married lesbian couple has the right to have the names of both her parents on her birth certificate, as do children of same-sex couples legally married (and civil unioned)

TV Alert: Transgender Children on “Anderson”

Anderson Cooper covers the topic of transgender children in his new daytime talk show today. (Find airing times in your area.) Here are details about the show and two of its featured guests, via a press release: On Wednesday, November 16, Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show, Anderson, will focus on transgender children – children

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Just a few articles this week, but they’re juicy, so enjoy! Denise Balkissoon writes in Toronto’s Globe and Mail about “The seven habits of highly effective lesbian families.” “A series of studies in Canada and elsewhere over the past decade has found that the children of lesbians aren’t just well-adjusted—they excel.”It’s a good article for explaining some of the

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