Save the Date: Blogging for LGBT Families Day Is June 3

2013familydaySave the date! Monday, June 3, will be the 8th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day, hosted right here at Mombian—but powered by your blogs! Anyone who wants to post in support of LGBT families is welcome. The event is a time for us to share stories and make connections both within and outside the LGBT community, rejoicing in both our similarities and our diversity. Details and banners below. Please help spread the word!

Over the past seven years, hundreds of bloggers from around the world have participated, including lesbian moms, gay dads, bisexual parents, transgender parents, adult children of LGBT parents, LGBT individuals without children, and straight allies. Some bloggers told stories about their paths to parenthood, or tales about their children; some wrote about LGBT relatives or friends; others discussed current political events; and several spoke of why their faith obliges them to support LGBT rights. This year’s writings should be equally diverse and compelling.

Here’s how it works:

  • Blog on a topic related to and supportive of LGBT families on or before June 3, 2013.
  • Complete the form at the bottom of this post to submit your entry. I encourage people to post on June 3, but I am posting the form now in case anyone really wants to submit something early.
  • I’ll compile the posts and highlight them here on June 3. Come back and read the stories and insights of our community and allies.

Additionally, you can:

  • Tweet in support of LGBT families on June 3, 2013. Include the hashtag #lgbtfamilies. I will display the tweets in a scrolling box here at Mombian, or you can follow the hashtag using most popular Twitter software.
  • Upload a video to YouTube or other video sharing service. Tag it “lgbtfamilies”. Complete the form at the bottom of this post to submit the permalink to your entry.

Grab a banner (see below) and promote the event on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The more people who participate, the more impact our voices will have.

Any blogger who wants to support LGBT families is welcome, LGBT or not, parent or not. I encourage those who don’t usually post about LGBT families or LGBT issues, as well as those for whom every day is Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Give it a spin based on your usual blog topics. There’s no set formula or format.

The lists of contributions from 201220112010, 2009, 2008, 2007, and 2006 are still online for your perusal.

I look forward to reading your posts!

Banner instructions:

  • Right click the link (Mac users: click and hold) for either the small image (200×200) or large image (403×403)  and choose “Download image,” “Save image as…” or “Save picture as….” Follow the prompts in the dialogue box to save to your computer. The small image is best for within a blog post of text; the large one is best for Facebook, Tumblr, etc. where the image is the focus.
  • Upload to your blog or Facebook as you would any image.
  • Link the image to
  • You may not modify the images and may only use them to link to the Blogging for LGBT Families Day posts at Mombian.
  • Please download the image(s) you want and then upload them to your blog, Facebook, etc., rather than link to the image files here. (If I find people are doing that, I will change the image names so old image links won’t work.)

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