South Dakota Legislators Ban Abortions

I was really trying to avoid the serious politics for a few days. Then the South Dakota legislature passed a bill banning almost all abortions, even in the case of incest or rape. The only exceptions would be if the mother’s life was in danger. According to the Associated Press report, the governor is “inclined” to sign the bill, making it law on July 1, 2006. A legal challenge, however, such as one promised by Planned Parenthood, will likely mean a judge will suspend the ban unless the state takes the case to the U.S. Supreme Court and wins, which could take several years. Delayed or not, this is still a move in a scary direction.

Yes, lesbians are less likely than sexually active straight women to suffer a birth-control “oops” and have an accidental pregnancy. Rape tends to ignore sexual orientation, however. I also believe we have a duty as women to uphold the right of choice for other women, lesbian or straight.

If you’re not convinced and angry already, consider this:

If a rape victim becomes pregnant and bears a child, the rapist could have the same parental rights as the mother, said Krista Heeren-Graber, executive director of the South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault.

Yes, that’s right. A rapist could soon have more parental rights than a loving non-bio lesbian mom.

If you want to donate to one of the organizations fighting this ban, you might consider Planned Parenthood or NARAL.

1 thought on “South Dakota Legislators Ban Abortions”

  1. I think it’s time we complain to the DNC about Democrats who don’t support a woman’s right to choose. For instance, the six senators in South Dakota who voted to ban all abortions, even for rape and incest and health reasons. It was a Democrat who introduced the bill in the first place!

    Also, serious consideration needs to be given as to whether you send money to the DNC. Remember money to the DNC is given to the state parties to support candidates such as these six senators and the Democratic senator in Mississippi who just introduced legislation to ban abortion. Your money would be better spent going to a candidate directly that you know supports the right to choose.

    The Democratic Party takes us for granted because they say we have no place to go…as I just heard from a DNC staffer. It is time the Democrats who do no support abortion rights be punished. It is time for them to leave the party.

    Go to their website and fire off a letter…

    or better yet, pick up the phone and call them (be prepared to wait….)


    Call South Dakota Democratic Party


    write South Dakota Democratic Party

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