Homemade Play Dough

Homemade Play DoughTechnology site MAKE remembers the kiddies with links to a couple of homemade play dough recipes today. I haven’t tested these particular versions myself, but they sound similar to a recipe my mom used to make for me when I was younger. (Hasbro, makers of the “real” Play-Doh, even admit their secret formula contains mostly water, salt, and flour.) The “real” stuff is pretty cheap, of course, but there’s a lot to be said for the fun of making your own.

At our house, we play a kind of Play-Doh “Pictionary,” where our toddler will ask us to make things and we’ll see how fast we can create something resembling his request. He’s getting pretty good at shaping the clay himself now, though, and I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before he and his friends are beating our butts at Cranium.

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