March 2006

“Wild” Nature Activities Help Kids Care More About the Environment as Adults

Researchers at Cornell University have concluded a study that examined the experiences children have with nature and their attitudes toward environmentalism as adults. They found that kids who participate in “wild” nature activities such as “camping, playing in the woods, hiking, walking, fishing and hunting” before age eleven are more likely to care about the […]

Raising Boys without Men

A few weeks ago, a publicist for Peggy Drexler’s new book, Raising Boys Without Men: How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men, contacted me and asked if I’d review it on Mombian. The book, a study of lesbian moms and single moms raising sons, seemed relevant, so I agreed.

Track Children’s Medicine Doses

Here’s a trick my partner and I use when our son has a cold: We put a pad and pen in the bathroom, near the medicine drawer, and every time one of us gives him any medicine, we write down the dosage and time. This minimizes the risk of double doses. It’s especially useful when

Weekly Political Roundup

The big LGBT political story this week was the Supreme Court decision that said a college cannot refuse access to military recruiters by claiming the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy conflicts with the school’s antidiscrimination rules. Enough’s been said about the inherent unfairness of DADT that I won’t belabor the point here, except to

Loving Families Boost Children’s Intelligence

A five-year study on children in a Romanian orphanage, and the changes they experience when transferred to foster care, concludes that lack of a loving family can lead to stunted growth, substantially lower IQs and more behavioural and psychological problems than children who experienced better care. (Thanks to Blogging Baby for the sighting.) Studies from

International Women’s Day

It’s International Women’s Day, and the theme is “Women in Decision-Making.” The UN Web site has more information on the holiday, including a short history (it was first observed in 1909), a message from the secretary-general, and links to other sites and resources on the status of women around the world. As this article points

Tax-Time Tips

Much as we hate to think about it, tax time is upon us. Over at the newly-redesigned, they’ve reminded us of some tax tips for LGBT couples, especially those who are married in Massachusetts or domestically-partnered (civilized? unionized?) in other states. In a nutshell, we still can’t file federal tax returns as “Married,” regardless

Oscar Night: At Least We Have the Penguins

Well, Brokeback Mountain didn’t win Best Picture last night, but at least March of the Penguins won Best Documentary. The tux-clad birds seem to be morphing from right-wing ideals to gay icons. Let’s also not forget that Ang Lee did win Best Director for Brokeback, and Philip Seymour Hoffman won Best Actor for his portrayal

Book on Male Penguin Parents Removed from Children’s Section

Concerns about “homosexual undertones” in the children’s book And Tango Makes Three caused two public libraries to move it from the children’s to the non-fiction section. The book, about two male penguins who adopt an abandoned egg, is based on the true story of two penguins at the New York Central Park Zoo. Heaven forbid

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