You Know You’re a Mom When . . .

Four signs you’re a mom taking a cruise without your preschooler:

Towel Elephant

  • You sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” while applying sunscreen.
  • You want to bring home the towel-origami elephant the steward left in your room.
  • You use a photo of your child as a bookmark for your beach reading, and look at it yourself even more than you share it with others.
  • You and your partner do the “Wheels on the Bus” hand motions (round and round, open and shut, etc.) to a hip-hop song at the dance party.

3 thoughts on “You Know You’re a Mom When . . .”

  1. When I was invited on the R Family Cruise, I was allowed to bring a guest with me. I brought my best friend who at the time had a one-year-old. This list made us both crack up because it is so true! I would also add: You gladly pay $4.95/minute from your cabin phone just to hear “Hi” and a bunch of heavy breathing.

  2. Hee hee! That’s a good one. Actually, this time we were lucky and able to call from our cell phone when the ship stopped in San Juan. (Of course, our almost-three-year-old, who can carry on a perfectly good conversation, was too busy playing with stickers and Grandma to be bothered to talk to us. No separation anxiety here.)

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