Tomorrow is the 10th national Day of Silence, “the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.” Participating students will be silent for all or part of the day, to recognize the silencing of LGBT students and their allies. They will also be organizing various educational programs and activities.
The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which organized the event (in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA)), anticipates a record-breaking 500,000 students from approximately 4,000 schools will take part. Even so, events like this may not get the press coverage of marches on Washington or White House Easter Egg Rolls. They are no less vital to the outcome of our struggle for equal rights, however. The students of today will be the teachers, parents, legislators, judges, and presidents of tomorrow. Those brave enough to take a stand for equality deserve our thanks and our support. (Thanks to the Big Gay Picture for the heads up.)