Same-Sex Marriage Poll: It’s All In How You Spin It


Americans closely divided over constitutional marriage ban

A new poll by the Gallup organization shows that as a proposed federal constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage heads to the full U.S. Senate for vote on June 6, Americans are closely divided on the proposal.

From The Christian Post, reporting on the same poll:

Public Opposition to Gay Marriage Remains High

A new Gallup poll released just weeks before a scheduled senate debate over the federal marriage amendment revealed that public opposition to gay marriage remains at a constant majority.

I should also note that thankfully, there is an increasingly vocal group of clergy of all faiths speaking out against a same-sex marriage ban. Some have publicly called supporters of the ban “bigots,” and compared them to the witch-burners of colonial Salem.

I’m not particulary religious myself, but I think that those who are, and who support LGBT rights, play a vital role in our cause. They will keep the matter from being framed as the God-fearing vs. the godless. This may help us attract those in the middle who don’t want to abandon their religious beliefs, but who are more accepting and open-minded than the religious conservatives. Amen to that.

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