May 2006

Same-Sex Marriage Ban Restricts Religious Liberty, Some Argue

Here’s an insightful argument against a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage: not only would it restrict our civil rights, it would also “infringe on religious liberty.” This is the stance of Clergy for Fairness, an interfaith group of clergy opposing the amendment. Reform Rabbi Craig Axler, a member of the group, explains: The backers behind […]

New Report on Children and Television

An extensive study titled “The Media Family: Electronic Media in the Lives of Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers and Their Parents,” by the Kaiser Family Foundation, looks at television use among families with children six months to six years old. Among the findings: One third of children under six have a TV in their bedrooms. This rises

Free or Cheap Transportation Activities for Toddlers

New kids’-activity site Kiddley wins my affection with a list of free or cheap activities for vehicle-obsessed toddlers. My son definitely falls into this category, and we have in fact done all of the activities mentioned. I’ll add one more activity to their list: visit a local fire house. Most firefighters I’ve met seem more

IVF Pregnancies May Pose Additional Risks

Women who get pregnant via in vitro fertilization (IVF) may have a higher risk of placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta blocks all or part of the cervix. Placenta previa can cause the woman to hemorrhage and increases the risk of a premature birth or other delivery problems. Researchers at St. Olavs University

Mombian on The Gay Parenting Show

Scott Sherman recently interviewed me for his wonderful podcast, The Gay Parenting Show. If you’re not a regular listener, I urge you to hop over for a visit. My part is about 24 minutes into today’s show. You can also enjoy Scott’s discussion of his own family and their major upcoming event as well as

Same-Sex Marriage Poll: It’s All In How You Spin It

From Americans closely divided over constitutional marriage ban A new poll by the Gallup organization shows that as a proposed federal constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage heads to the full U.S. Senate for vote on June 6, Americans are closely divided on the proposal. From The Christian Post, reporting on the same poll:

Period-Stopping Birth Control

You won’t find a lot of posts here about birth control, for obvious reasons. If you’re advising daughters on such things or considering the pill yourself in order to control your periods, however, you may want to read this recent news about birth control pills that suppress menstruation, in some cases for as long as

Birthday Calculator

The Birthday Calculator is a fun little Web site you may enjoy trying with your kids. Enter a birth date and year, and it displays all kinds of information about that date, including the phase of the moon, dates of holidays that year, U. S. population statistics then, and the number of months, weeks, days,

Join Lesbian Soccer Mom in Bridge Walk for Marriage Equality

I wrote in April about “lesbian soccer mom” Jennifer Schumaker’s Walk for Togetherness” from San Diego to San Francisco to encourage dialogue among LGBT people and their families, friends and allies. She is currently on Day 46 of her journey, which she is chronicling in her blog. On June 3, Schumaker will complete the last

Dinosaurs and Harry Potter

Here’s a way to earn “cool points” with your pre-teens: Mention that scientists have named a newly discovered dinosaur Dracorex Hogwartsia, in honor of the dragons in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books. Dinosaurs and Harry Potter. What’s not to love?

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