May 2006

Lambda Literary Awards: Children’s/Young Adult Books

Swimming in the Monsoon Sea, a novel by Shyam Selvadurai, won the Lambda Literary Award last week in the Children’s/Young Adult Category. The book tells the story of fourteen-year-old Amrith, who lives with his godmother in Sri Lanka. A visit from a Canadian cousin causes him to explore both his sexuality and his feelings about […]

Federal Judge Strikes Down Oklahoma Law that Could Have Denied Children Their Parents

This news is so good and so relevant to LGBT families that I’m not saving it for my usual Friday political update: A federal judge struck down Oklahoma’s Adoption Invalidation Law prohibiting Oklahoma from recognizing adoptions by same-sex couples from other states and countries. This was perhaps the most anti-LGBT-family law in the country, and

Cordless Drill Review

Toolmonger has a detailed post on Selecting Your Next Cordless Drill. Whether you need a drill for an upcoming project, or just for your sweetie’s birthday, you’ll find lots of information here. Voltage, battery type, torque—it’s all covered. (Thanks to MAKE for the tip.)

Parent Hacks

A big thanks to Asha Dornfest of Parent Hacks for helping to spread the word about Blogging for LGBT Families Day. If you haven’t been to the Parent Hacks site yet, you should take a look. It’s a collaborative blog chock-full of practical tips and advice from real parents. Recent posts include Quick, Healthy Breakfast

Weekly Political Roundup

The big news item this week is that the U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved a same-sex marriage ban. This means it now moves before the whole Senate, with a vote scheduled the week of June 5. Committee chair Arlen Specter(R) says he does not support the measure, but wants the full Senate to discuss

Stop Paul Cameron’s “Research” from Misrepresenting LGBT Families

I don’t usually do long political tirades like this, but sometimes I make exceptions. Paul Cameron, chair of the far-right, anti-LGBT Family Research Institute, is using books by members of the LGBT community to “prove” that “Children of Homosexuals and Transexuals [Are] More Apt to Be Homosexual.” If this weren’t enough, he has managed to

Rainy-Day Activity: Instant Fire Truck

It’s been raining a lot this week: Place two kitchen chairs, one behind the other. Seat your preschooler on one. Hand him or her a pie pan for a steering wheel and a vacuum-cleaner hose for a firehose. Instant fire truck. Minimalist? Perhaps. It was good for a whole 15 minutes at our house, though.

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

It’s the ninth annual HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. Let’s hope there isn’t a need for too many more. The event is intended as a time to thank all the volunteers and professionals working together to find a safe and effective HIV vaccine, and to educate people about the importance of preventive HIV vaccine research. Organizers

HRC Coverage of Blogging for LGBT Families Day

A big thank-you to the Human Rights Campaign Family Project for their piece about Blogging for LGBT Families Day. They call it a “premiere blogosphere event.” (Their words, not mine.) Let’s not prove them wrong. Please pass the word along on your blogs, and ask any bloggers you know who want to share positive insights

Why Straight People Should Support LGBT Rights

An unmarried straight couple with three children in Missouri face eviction because of a city ordinance that prohibits more than three people from living together if they are unrelated by blood, marriage, or adoption, Blogging Baby reports. This is a great example of why even straight couples should be very wary of supporting anti-gay-marriage legislation.

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