You Know You’ve Been Watching Too Much Marriage-Amendment News When . . .

. . . your three-year-old is is doing everything in his considerable power to delay naptime, and you think to yourself, “I have to invoke cloture.”

2 thoughts on “You Know You’ve Been Watching Too Much Marriage-Amendment News When . . .”

  1. Kristin was about 3 when I lost naptime completely. I had to stay awake because she started getting into stuff. Just kidding.

    Seriously, she was about 3 when she just wouldn’t nap anymore. If, during naptime, we are in the car, the motion will make her fall asleep, or if we do some major physical activity that day she’ll nap, but 90% of the time there’s no nap at all.

    Sigh. Those were the days.

  2. Yes, naps are getting progressively more difficult here, too. He chatters to himself for quite some time, but then usually falls asleep and will go for a couple of hours. Still, the days when he doesn’t nap at all are getting more frequent–maybe 2-3 per week. I think he (and I) still benefit from his having some quiet time in his room, though. We’ll see how long even that lasts….

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