Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day? From a lesbian-mom blog?

Yes, that’s right. Happy Father’s Day to all the gay dads out there, and to my straight-dad readers. Happy Father’s Day to those lesbian moms who do celebrate fathers in your children’s lives, or who use the day to honor other male relatives. Happy Father’s Day to your own dads, if you have them. Happy Donor’s Day, if you celebrate it that way. Happy Non-Bio Mom’s Day, if that’s your tradition.

If you don’t celebrate Father’s Day in any way, have a happy day regardless. It’s the middle of Pride month, kids are finishing school for the year, and the thoughts of summer vacation are not far behind.

1 thought on “Happy Father’s Day”

  1. Thank you for spreading the good cheer. In our family we celebrate the day as Father’s Day and Baba’s Day–honoring our own (male, biological) fathers, and honoring moi, as Lesbo Dad, aka (in our household) Baba. A tip o’ the baseball cap to all the other loving parents out there who are celebrated this day, for any and every reason.

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