Churches Debate Issues of Sexuality and Gender

Stained GlassLots of LGBT-related church news right now. The U. S. Episcopal Church last week chose its first female leader, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. The move strains both the Church’s internal divisions and its relations with other members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Most other countries’ Anglican churches do not permit women to become bishops. Many conservative U. S. Episcopalians agree with this stance.

The Anglican Communion is already splitting over the issues of LGBT clergy and same-sex marriage. Integrity USA, an organization for LGBT Episcopalians, applauds Jefferts Schori’s election. She has not, however, given her opinion yet on a proposed measure asking dioceses not to chose bishops “whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church.” The U. S. Episcopal General Convention will vote on the measure this week. While not explicitly banning LGBT clergy as some would like, it is clearly intended to permit dioceses to do so if they wish.

The Presbyterian Church is also debating issues of gender and sexual orientation. They are expected to vote at their own national assembly this week on a bill restricting sexual activity to straight marriage, as well as on one proposing gender-neutral language for the Holy Trinity.

Lastly, the annual meeting of the United Methodist Desert Southwest Conference just passed a resolution (PDF link) opposing a proposed same-sex marriage ban in the Arizona state constitution. Church leaders said “marriages are threatened by forces within marriage such as infidelity, violence, addictions, lack of communication and commitment, not how marriage is defined.”

Amen to that.

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