New York Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Still Pending

No news yet on the New York State same-sex marriage ruling, although rumors were that it could have happened today. I’m guessing that even if the judges have decided amongst themselves, they may have held off an announcement because today’s news cycle was full of the North Korean missle test and Ken Lay’s death. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it and they’re just getting off to a slow start after the July 4th holiday. Either way, we wait with anticipation here in the Empire State. Stay tuned.

1 thought on “New York Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Still Pending”

  1. I have hard evidence that Ken Lay was killed by the Freemasons because he was about to reveal secrets about the Illuminati and the New World Order. It was made to look like a heart attack by the same people who tried to cover up the UFO crash at Roswell.

    I also have passages from the Bible that show exactly how this incident will effect global warming.

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