Patricia Todd Wins in Alabama

A quick follow up to one item from last Friday’s Weekly Political Roundup: The Alabama Democratic Party reinstated out lesbian Patricia Todd as its candidate for the state legislature, after disqualifying both her and her opponent for failing to file election forms in time. This means Todd will almost certainly become the first out legislator in the state, since no Republican is challenging her.

3 thoughts on “Patricia Todd Wins in Alabama”

  1. Thank you for giving us such wonderful up-to-date info. I love checking in every morning with my first cup of coffee. (now that pre-school has started, I actually have time to drink the whole thing!)Your blog is just an awesome resource. Thanks agian!!!!….Yeah Patricia Todd

  2. The vote by the executive committee was really close and along racial lines. Blogger Kathy at Birmingham Blues attended the meeting and wrote about what happened. I don’t know how to take the decision but think it was probably fueled more by the intense dislike among some Alabama Democrats for Joe Reed. At any rate, I was glad to see the decision reversed.

  3. Pingback: Mombian: Sustenance for Lesbian Moms » Blog Archive » Weekly Political Roundup

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