Hurrican Katrina Remembrance: LGBT Perspectives

Image Credit: NASAToday is the National Day of Remembrance of Hurricane Katrina. Despite an outpouring of public support last year (in the face of what most agree were monumental government snafus), many Gulf Coast residents are still struggling to rebuild their lives. For stories of how LGBT residents of New Orleans are doing so, take a look at this week’s Advocate.

Many LGBT organizations and allies contributed to the relief efforts, including the Rainbow World Fund, the National Youth Advocacy Coalition, the Montrose Clinic, and the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard of Houston. HRC and PageOneQ have fuller lists. Not all of the organizations seem to be active anymore, but the lists are a striking testament to the power of our community. This doesn’t even count the more general donations to relief efforts by LGBT individuals, from Ellen to many of you.

Right-wing groups may say LGBT events, among other “sinful” activities, were “responsible” for causing God’s vengeance on New Orleans. If that were the case, I can’t imagine any God would have let so many LGBT people help rebuild it and shelter those who fled.

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