Postpartum Day

It’s the day after Labor Day, which makes it Postpartum Day, I figure. That’s perhaps apt, since this time of year has always meant new beginnings for me. Being a recovering academic, I think my biorhythms are still tied to the academic calendar, even though my son hasn’t started school yet. September always makes me a bit nostalgic. I think I’ll go sharpen a few pencils and inhale.

Today also marks the end of the summer fashion season. For me, this meant not wearing socks between Memorial Day and Labor Day (spurred on by the Laundry Reduction Act of 2006). There are some hidden perks to being a stay-at-home mom.

This is also National Breast Feeding at Work Week, “a celebration dedicated to breast feeding at work and the companies who support nursing moms.”

Whether you’re back to school, back to work, or back to socks, enjoy this week of transition!

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