September 2006

Cancer Awareness

As pink begins to pervade the media in preparation for National Breast Cancer Month, Amanda at Blogher offers an important reminder that September was both Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month. She also suggests some ways people can help fight these diseases. My family has been hit by both lymphoma and […]

The Advocate’s “Best Companies” List Includes Discrepancy with HRC Index

The corporate rankings just keep rolling in. After HRC last week and Working Mother yesterday, The Advocate today released its 2006 list of 10 companies it feels are good places for LGBT workers. This year’s 10 join 85 others (all unranked) that the magazine has picked in the past. It’s notable that three companies fell

“Working Mother” Names Best Companies for Parents

Last week, I mentioned Working Mother magazine’s list of 100 Best Companies, in the context of HRC’s Corporate Equality Index. Today, Working Mother just put out its updated 2006 list. It’s useful to look through the list and see whether the company you want to work for or buy from is family friendly. It’s also

The Changing Shape of the American Family

To pique your interest in the online chat with sociologist Rosanna Hertz I’m hosting tomorrow night, I wanted to share some statistics she sent me about the changing shape of the American family. Less than 25% of all families consist of a married, opposite-sex couple living with their own (biological or adopted) children—down from 40%

Weekly Political Roundup

Republicans may not be able to count on the support of evangelical Christians to the extent they have done, the New York Times reports, saying “There is an undercurrent of concern that some evangelicals, unhappy that the GOP-led Congress and President Bush haven’t paid more attention to gay marriage and other ‘values’ issues, may stay

Read a Banned Book

Tomorrow begins the 25th annual Banned Books Week (BBW), which “celebrates the freedom to choose or the freedom to express one’s opinion even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular and stresses the importance of ensuring the availability of those unorthodox or unpopular viewpoints to all who wish to read them.” Despite the

Act OUT: the National LGBT Family Conference

The Family Pride Coalition is hosting Act OUT: the National LGBT Family Conference, October 27-29, 2006, at the LGBT family-friendly Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas. The conference is a three-day event focused on advocacy, education, and community building for LGBT-headed families and allies. Family Pride expects hundreds of families to attend from across the country.

Icons, Images, and Invisibility

Less than 25% of all U. S. families consist of a married mom, dad, and their children, according to the 2000 Census. (Thanks to Rosanna Hertz for pointing this out to me.) Why then, is it so hard to find depictions of other types of families? I wrote a few weeks ago about finding a

Reminder: Chat with Rosanna Hertz Here on September 26

I will be hosting an online chat with Rosanna Hertz, author of Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How Women are Choosing Parenthood without Marriage and Creating the New American Family, on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, from 9-10 p.m. EDT. You can read my review of the book here. Even if you’re not a single

HRC’s Corporate Equality Index: One Facet of a Broader Picture

The Human Rights Campaign released its fifth annual Corporate Equality Index (CEI) today, ranking companies based on their benefits, protections, and outreach to the LGBT community. The number of companies scoring a perfect 100 rose to 138 from last year’s 101. HRC reports: Among the companies surveyed in the new report, this year: 75 percent

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