Welcome, Queercents Readers

QueercentsWelcome to those of you visiting today from Queercents, and thanks to Nina Smith for asking me to participate in her “Ten Money Questions” feature. Finances and parenting are intertwined, no matter how much we wish they weren’t, and this goes double for LGBT families.

I hope those of you visiting for the first time find something of interest here. I write about parenting, LGBT politics, books and activities for kids, lesbian culture, women’s and children’s health, and anything else that seems relevant to lesbian families. Much is also applicable to gay dads, and even straight families, and I always welcome your comments and perspectives, too.

If you’re a regular Mombian reader, but haven’t yet discovered Queercents, I recommend popping over and having a look around. Nina and the other talented writers there make personal finance both fun and useful.

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