Stress-Free Thanksgiving Tips

TurkeyLife coach Paula Gregorowicz is dishing out Thanksgiving advice all over the place, both at Queercents and her own site, Coaching4Lesbians. Worth a read if you’re starting to feel your pressure rise as you think about stuffing and gravy and in-laws.

Personally, I’m too busy arranging my wedding this weekend to even think about Thanksgiving yet. I will add two tips for parents to Paula’s list, however. First, make your kids part of the process. They’ll feel better about it, and you won’t feel like they’re simply getting in the way. Kids can snap green beans or mash potatoes from a very early age.

Second (and this is useful for non-parents, too), don’t be afraid to ask for help. Unless you’re trying out for America’s Top Chef, there are no prizes for solo efforts. If you have relatives coming from out of town, have them bring the cranberry sauce or washed and trimmed green beans that are ready to cook. I always find multi-chef meals to be more fun, anyway. Everyone gets to try some new foods and no one feels guilty for not contributing.

Drop a comment if you have holiday tips of your own, or recipes you’d like to share.

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