LGBT-Friendly Call-ins Needed

Polly at LesbianDad passed on an urgent request to help counter ultra-right callers on a radio show about the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study.

Dr. Nanette Gartrell, the principal investigator of the study, will be interviewed this Monday alongside a guest from the Family Research Council. Dr. Gartrell expects that the FRC will organize many of their people to call in and speak against her.

The show will be streamed online by GreenStone Radio (the women’s radio network founded by Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda, among others) between 12:20 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. EST (that’s 9:20 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. PST) on November 20. The call-in number is toll-free: 1-877-4ROSHOW (1-877-476-7469).

Please listen and/or call in if you can, and help spread the word.

3 thoughts on “LGBT-Friendly Call-ins Needed”

  1. Thank you, Dana! I’m dumbfounded that Fonda, Steinem, et al. would provide a forum for such a thinly-veiled hate group. Journalistic “balance”? Hard to figure. Let’s hope we can bring some enlightenment to balance out the switchboards.

  2. Good news! Pro-LGBT family callers: 3. Con-LGBT family callers: 0.

    Details at my blog entry on it here, and at Lisa’s blog entry on it here. She got on! And so did my sweetie! Love conquers all, or at least it conquered hate, at least this morning.

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