November 2006

Marital Bliss, Part II

First, thanks to all of you who have sent me good wishes for my impending nuptials. I’m humbled by your kind thoughts. Our chosen Justice of the Peace e-mailed us some sample vows. She’s a lesbian herself, and understands that we’re celebrating our thirteen years together as much as our new marital status. The vows […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Many of us are suffering from a surfeit of politics right now, so I’ll keep this week’s update short. One more victory in the U. S., and a few international items: In a case of death by procedural maneuver, a measure to put a same-sex marriage ban on the 2008 ballot looks unlikely to succeed.

The 2006 Weblog Awards

Nominations for the 2006 Weblog Awards open later today Monday. [They just updated the date.] Polly at LesbianDad wrote to me suggesting that LGBT-family bloggers flood the existing Parenting Blog category with LGBT-family-blog nominations as a way of raising awareness about our families. (Our blogs could also go under the general LGBT Blog category.) Polly

Do Non-Traditional Gender Roles Boost Creativity?

A recent study from Washington University in St. Louis found that firstborn children who had many siblings, close in age, and of the opposite sex tended to have more creative ideas than their latter-born siblings. I’m not sure the study has any daily relevance to parents—I’m for encouraging creativity in all children. Still, one passage

Young People, the 2006 Elections, and Preparing Our Children

Americans under 30 voted in the largest numbers for midterm elections in at least 20 years, and may have made a difference in the many close races. Young people favored Democrats by 22 points, nearly three times the Democratic margin among other age groups. Some say this indicates a rising Democratic bloc that could be

Hacking Board Games for Preschoolers

Although my son has an apparently infinite capacity for playing Candy Land (interspersed only by rounds of Cariboo), I have a limit. I don’t, however, have a limitless budget for buying new games. My solution has been to create variations of older kid/adult board games we already have around the house. Here are a few

Reading the Bans

The surprising thing is not that Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin passed bans on same-sex marriage. Anyone who knew anything about the cultural makeup of those states knew it was going to be a struggle to defeat those measures, albeit one worth fighting. What surprises me is that the bans

Blue House Meets White House: U. S. Election 2006

At this hour, the Democrats have regained the House, with Nancy Pelosi becoming the first female Speaker. Out lesbian Representative Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin won reelection, although voters in her home state also approved a ban on same-sex marriage. Openly gay Representative Barney Frank won his race Massachusetts, making him the first openly gay congressional

Sesame Street Shows International Adoption, Single Motherhood

Sesame Street today featured one of its human characters, Gina the Veterinarian, adopting a baby from Guatemala. The amazing thing wasn’t just that they covered adoption, but that they also chose a single mom for the adoptive mother. (We’ll see if the right wing jumps all over this like they jumped on Murphy Brown, or

Where to Vote

A public service announcement before the start of Election Day here in the U. S.: If you don’t know where to vote, call 866-MY-VOTE1 (866-698-6831) to find out. You can also use that number (set up two years ago by the non-partisan National Constitution Center) to report any polling irregularities. If you prefer to get

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