Health and Safety Roundup

A few miscellaneous items of interest:

  • Young infants should not be left alone to sleep in car seats, warn New Zealand researchers. There is a risk of breathing problems, especially for premature infants, even when restrained in a seat appropriate for their age.
  • Women who have epidurals during labor may find it harder to breastfeed, claims another study. It suggests that some of the drugs get into babies’ bloodstreams, and may affect their brains and development, including their willingness to breastfeed. Something to discuss with one’s OB/GYN when planning for a birth. (My own experience, however, is that my son is probably only alive today because my partner already had an epi line in when she needed an emergency C-section—and he breastfed just fine.)
  • Finally, the LGBT-supportive American Academy of Pediatrics has published a list of Holiday Safety Tips, covering tree, toy, travel, and fireplace safety.
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