December 2006

“Postcards from Buster” Is Back

The PBS Kids show Postcards from Buster is back with ten new episodes, notes Hillary at MotherTalkers. She highlights an article from today’s New York Times that describes the show’s funding troubles after the right wing and Secretary of Education castigated it for an episode about lesbian moms. (Well, not exactly about lesbian moms. The […]

Early Eating Habits May Set Stage for Later Disease

On the heels of my post about Lunch Lessons, Chef Ann Cooper’s new book on children and food, comes a new study from Penn State researchers looking at the presence of metabolic syndrome in 13-year-old girls. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of traits including insulin resistance and abdominal obesity that is a strong indicator for

Lunch Lessons from the Renegade Lunch Lady

Children born in the year 2000 will be the first in our country’s history to die at a younger age than their parents. More than 35 percent of our nation’s children are overwieght, 25 percent are obese, and 14 percent have type 2 diabetes, a condition previously seen primarily in adults. Current research shows that

Heart hands

A Parenting Manifesto

RebelDad is calling upon people to write parenting manifestos of 500 words or less. (Thanks to ParentHacks and Republic of T for the heads up.) Here’s mine, a work in progress.

Homemade Indoor “Sandbox” Kits

My three-year-old son couldn’t tear himself away from a miniature sandbox set he saw at a local toy store the other day. The set, called My Little Sandbox, is a box about ten inches square, filled with fine sand and a variety of themed toys. The one on display was a little farm, with animals,

Happy Hanukkah

A very happy first night of Hanukkah to those of you observing it. If your family comes from multiple traditions, like mine, then I wish you joy as you light the first of eight trees in your yard, or do whatever you do to honor and celebrate your interwoven diversity in this season of miracles

Weekly Political Roundup

Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) blocked the nomination of President Bush’s nominee Janet Neff to the federal courts. Brownback, who chaired her hearing, said he would only permit a vote if Neff agreed not to hear cases involving same-sex marriage, claiming that her attendance at the commitment ceremony of a neighbor and friend of 26 years

Melissa, Tammy, and the Twins’ Photo Shoot

Melissa Etheridge, Tammy Lynn Michaels, and their new twins have done a photo shoot for US Weekly, in which they talk about IVF, baby names, being out as parents, and crunchy tacos. I want to offer my suggested changes to some of Melissa’s classic songs now that she’s taking care of babies again: “Somebody Bring

Holiday Shopping Deadline

For all you last-minute shoppers out there: Today is the last day to get free Super Saver Shipping on items at and still have your items arrive by Friday, December 22. (That’s the last night of Hanukkah and the last business day before Christmas.)

Check the Box

I was filling out a registration form for an online parenting community the other day. One of the questions was “Marital status?” Being an accepting sort of site, they gave the choices “Married, Partnered, Single.” My cursor went automatically to “Partnered,” since that’s what I had called myself for thirteen-plus years. “Wait,” I thought. “I’m

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