December 2006

Conference Call on Children’s Health-Insurance Coverage

It’s easy for us as LGBT parents to focus all our political energies on LGBT-specific issues. I’m often guilty of it myself, especially as parenthood has reduced my available bandwidth for anything not related to teddy bears or Thomas the Tank Engine. I just received an invitation, however, from Families USA, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization […]

Health and Safety Roundup

A few miscellaneous items of interest: Young infants should not be left alone to sleep in car seats, warn New Zealand researchers. There is a risk of breathing problems, especially for premature infants, even when restrained in a seat appropriate for their age. Women who have epidurals during labor may find it harder to breastfeed,

Recipe: Monkey Bread Redux

My first attempt at monkey bread was a traditional herbed loaf based on a white-bread recipe (but with a little whole-wheat flour added because I like it that way). Not willing to leave well enough alone, however, I then decided to try it with a challah dough. Challah, as you may know, is a Jewish

Recipe: Herbed Monkey Bread

Here’s a recipe for a simple yet festive bread that’s both fun to make with kids and suitable for company. It comes out in a cake-like shape that makes a great centerpiece for a dinner party—a nice alternative to a basket of rolls. Its pull-apart sections are easy for little monkey fingers to grab, too.

Lesbian-Parent Weblog Award Nominees

Two lesbian-parent blogs have been nominated for the 2006 Weblog Awards: LesbianDad, in the Best New Blog category and Liza Was Here in Best of the Rest Blogs. Both are in contention to win their categories, but the competition is tough. Unfortunately, there are no LGBT-parenting blogs nominated in the Best Parenting Blog category. Gay

Interview with Ellen Kahn, Director of the HRC Family Project

I’m very pleased to present a special feature today: an interview with Ellen Kahn, Director of the Human Rights Campaign Family Project. Ellen took time from her work at HRC (and her two children) to answer a few questions about the Family Project’s accomplishments in 2006 and what they have in store for 2007 and

New Diet Fad: Lesbianism

Are partnered lesbians less subject to weight gain than straight women? Yesterday’s New York Times Magazine reported on dietary research that showed “women tend to gain weight once they move in with male partners.” Researchers found that “Living with a male seemed to put pressure on females to consume more of the ‘unhealthy’ choices.” This

2007 Calendars Now In the Mombian Shop

The Mombian Shop now features a new Calendar section, in addition to recommended books, videos, toys and more for lesbian families. I’ve picked a selection of calendar themes likely to appeal to us dykes, including women artists and writers, cowgirls, softball players, motorcycles, and the “George W. Bush Out of Office Countdown.” There are also

Non-Bio Moms Lose One, Win Two—Maybe

Custody cases involving non-bio moms have been in the news lately, including this just in from Massachusetts: The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled Friday that a lesbian non-bio mom had no parental rights over the five-year-old daughter she and her former partner had agreed to raise together. The women separated before marriage was an option

Girls and Science: More Than Just Nail Polish

Several bloggers, including Mike the Mad Biologist, Shakespeare’s Sister, and Amanda at Pandagon, have written about the Discovery Channel Store’s appalling choices in science gifts for girls. The top boys’ gifts include things like the Discovery Whodunit? Forensics Lab and the Discovery Speed Detector, while the girls have the Discovery Deluxe Nail Salon and the

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