Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: Duct Tape

Duct Tape Fire ExtinguisherThe third installment in this series brings us to duct tape. This isn’t a good toy to give young children directly—it’s hard to handle and can hurt when pulled off skin—but it can be used by you to make all kinds of other toys. I’ve covered an empty two-liter soda bottle with it to create a “fire extinguisher” for a Halloween costume, and similarly the next year to create air tanks for an astronaut outfit.

Older kids may want to attempt craft projects themselves with the sticky stuff. The Duck Tape Club offers a variety of ideas, including a duct tape book cover, lunch bag, wallet, picture frame, bookmark, bracelet, purse, glasses case, and even flip flops. (They also sponsor a scholarship contest for the couple (genders happily unspecified) that creates and wears the best prom wear out of duct tape.) Instructables shows you how to make a multipurpose duct tape checkers/chess/backgammon board. (Thanks to MAKE for the link.) For those of you who really want to go all out, you’ll be pleased to discover that Duck brand duct tape now comes in 20 different shades.

Helpful hints: Use the sharpest scissors you own. If you’re doing the project yourself, an X-Acto knife or box cutter may be easier. (Kids should stick with scissors for safety.) Hold the tape taut when you cut it—an extra pair of hands can be useful here.

1 thought on “Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: Duct Tape”

  1. love the fire extinguisher! and i am truly enjoying this series of posts. looking forward to what might come next!

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