January 2007

Call for Papers on Motherhood and Blogging

I was asked to pass along the following announcement: Demeter Press is seeking submissions for the edited collection: Mothering and Blogging: Practice and Theory Deadline for Abstracts: March 1, 2007 Publication Date: Spring 2008 Editors: May Friedman, Shana L. Calixte Critical mothering and writing about motherhood have, in the last few years, begun to engage […]

Cord-Blood Banking for Personal Use Not Recommended Without Sibling Need

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released a policy statement about the increasingly common practice of cord-blood banking, storing blood from a newborn’s umbilical cord in case of a future need for stem cells. The AAP does not recommend banking an infant’s cord-blood for future personal use unless there is a sibling with a

Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: Carpenter’s Ruler

The second item in my series on Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store requires no assembly. It’s simply a carpenter’s ruler—a ruler that not only measures, but folds into a variety of shapes certain to amuse and delight. My dad bought me one when I was young, and I had hours of fun with it.

Iron Chef Mommy

I was watching Iron Chef America the other night. Chef (and out lesbian mom) Cat Cora was cooking a dozen different things with ostrich, the episode’s “secret ingredient.” I have to admit, I love Iron Chef. The exaggerated, sports-style commentary, the kitsch . . . it’s entertainment at its best, with a few real cooking

A Quote for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Today I want to pass along a quote from Coretta Scott King, wife of slain civil-rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Mrs. King was speaking at Lambda Legal’s 25th Anniversary Luncheon in 1998: As Martin once said, ‘We are all tied together in a single garment of destiny… an inescapable network of mutuality… I can

Today Show Hosts Author of “Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice”

Last fall, I reviewed the excellent new book Single by Chance, Mothers by Choice: How Women are Choosing Parenthood without Marriage and Creating the New American Family by sociologist Rosanna Hertz. Dr. Hertz will be on the Today show tomorrow, January 15, between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Eastern. If you are interested in how the

Would You Adopt Your Partner to Secure Her Rights?

A rare legal case in Maine is shedding an interesting light on questions of same-sex relationship recognition. Olive F. Watson had legally adopted her partner, Patricia A. Spado, in 1991, in order to ensure her financial security. Watson is daughter of former IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson, Jr., and granddaughter of the company’s founder, Thomas

Weekly Political Roundup

In 2008, Arizona voters could be deciding for the second time on a constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. Voters rejected a ban last November, the only defeat for such a measure in the country. The new ban would eliminate any mention of benefits for domestic partners or unmarried couples, in an attempt by conservatives to

Children’s Books About Martin Luther King, Jr.

This coming Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here in the U. S. His work and the movement he led represent values that resonate with many of us, regardless of race. I thought it would be appropriate to honor the holiday by showcasing a number of books for young children about Dr. King. What

British Military Reaches Out to LGBT Servicemembers

This week, both the U. S.’s Human Rights Campaign and Britain’s Stonewall announced their latest lists of “Best Places to Work” for LGBT employees and allies. In the U. K., IBM holds the top spot. No surprise, given the company’s consistently good rating in HRC’s Corporate Equality Index—and remember the “I” stands for “International.” (HRC’s

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