Congratulations to New Jersey Civil-Union Couples

RingsA very hearty congratulations to the couples in New Jersey who applied for civil-union licenses today, the first day they are legal.

I wrote at length last week about the Freedom to Marry, and why civil unions mark a stage in the journey, but not the final destination. I’ll refer you to those posts for the political angle. For this post, I’ll simply offer my wishes that all of the same-sex couples uniting in New Jersey this week and in the future enjoy lifetimes of happiness together.

1 thought on “Congratulations to New Jersey Civil-Union Couples”

  1. Susan in Arizona

    Thanks to KellyO for link to your blog. Good reading even for an old mom (and recent grandmom); reading the specifics between civil unions and marriage was enlightening, not aware of some of that, gave me some good talking points. Also appreciate the recommendations on books for kids. Will “lurk” your site frequently now!

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