February 2007

“The Different Dragon”: A Magical Book for All Families

(Originally published in Bay Windows, February 22, 2007.) One of the ways I judge a children’s book is by how much it captures my son’s imagination. After we read The Different Dragon, he made me run around the house with a blanket over my head, flapping it like dragon’s wings, while he pretended to be […]

The L Word Season Four, Episode Seven: The Parenting Perspective

(Minor spoilers below.) Shane is livin’ la vida loco parentis this week. Her nine-year-old brother Shay and his friend Jared got into a fight with some kids who teased them about their moms being gay. Shane goes with Jared’s mother Paige to meet with the school principal, and they argue that the school must teach

Interview with Anne S. Wynne of Atticus Circle

Straight allies are an invaluable component of the struggle for LGBT equality. Anne S. Wynne is the founder of Atticus Circle, an organization that educates and mobilizes straight allies in support of equal rights for LGBT Americans and our families. Anne agreed to answer some questions about her organization for Mombian’s interview series. Below, she

Kool-Aid Paint

For an easy, non-toxic kids’ paint, try mixing a package of Kool-Aid with half the recommended amount of water. It paints like watercolor and smells nice, too. There are more complex recipes online for a thicker Kool-Aid paint, involving flour and oil, good for finger painting or potato stamping. I like the water-only version, however,

Queercents Launches Money Mondays Tax Tips

The team at the Queercents personal-finance blog has just announced the launch of a weekly tax-time series called Money Mondays: In ten weekly articles, Allison Einbinder will help LGBT readers navigate the intricate tax world with topics ranging from hiring a tax professional to planning for retirement. The articles aim to provide guidance with clear

Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: Flashlights

Flashlights are natural kids’ toys. I’ve never known a child not to be fascinated with the power of shining a spot on the wall. You can buy any number of character-branded ones, but I’ve found that plain but colorful 6″ AA plastic lights are just as attractive to kids. Here are a few activity ideas:

Congratulations to New Jersey Civil-Union Couples

A very hearty congratulations to the couples in New Jersey who applied for civil-union licenses today, the first day they are legal. I wrote at length last week about the Freedom to Marry, and why civil unions mark a stage in the journey, but not the final destination. I’ll refer you to those posts for

Recipe: Cardamon-Almond Biscotti

Since I mentioned cooking yesterday, here’s a recipe for Cardamon-Almond Biscotti. It’s based on the “Classic Biscotti” recipe from Joy of Cooking, but with quite a few flavor tweaks. I was inspired both by Shuna Fish Lydon’s Cardamon Chocolate Chunk Cookies (though I make no claims to her mastery of pastry) and by the great

New York Times Weekend Roundup

The venerable paper had a number of articles of interest yesterday: “With One Word, Children’s Book Sets Off Uproar“: This year’s Newbery Medal-winning book, The Higher Power of Lucky, contains the word “scrotum” in it. It’s in reference to a dog who gets bitten on that rather tender piece of his anatomy, but some parents

Who’s the Cook?

The New York Times ran an article on Valentine’s Day about couples where one member is the predominant— and dominating—cook in the household. The story focuses on straight couples, but it made me laugh with recognition. I freely admit to being the “alpha chef” around our house. I think it’s less because of any hidden

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