ENDA and Our Families

CubicleIf you’ve read any LGBT news sites today, you know we’ve moved one step closer to an important protection for LGBT Americans. Representatives Barney Frank (D-MA), Deborah Pryce (R-OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and Chris Shays (R-CT) introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which makes it illegal to base hiring, firing, promotion, or pay decisions on someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The legislation would provide vital security for all LGBT workers. For LGBT parents supporting children, it protects the children as well.

The introduction of a bill is a far cry from its passage, however. It is important that our voices on this issue be heard, not just as LGBT Americans, but as parents. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has a page of links to ways you can help promote this legislation, including a simple pre-written (though editable) e-mail to your members of Congress. It takes less time than doing a diaper change or assembling a train set.

1 thought on “ENDA and Our Families”

  1. My guess is that it passes after Frank throws transpeople under the bus as a sop to the right wing.

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