Take Action for Your Children: Federal Hate Crimes Bill Up for Vote on Thursday

We are closer than we’ve ever been to the passage of a federal hate-crimes act that includes sexual orientation and gender identity among its protected categories. The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 (LLEHCPA) this Thursday. LGBT-rights organizations are urging all supportive Americans to contact their representatives and ask them to vote in favor of the legislation.

HRC explains why this bill is needed even though states and other jurisdictions have enacted similarly inclusive legislation:

Under the current federal law, enacted nearly 40 years ago, the government has the authority to help investigate and prosecute bias-motivated attacks based on race, color, national origin and religion and because the victim was attempting to exercise a federally protected right. . . . However, under current law, the federal government is not able to help in cases where women, gay, transgender or disabled Americans are victims of bias-motivated crimes for who they are. . . .

The act would provide crucial federal resources to state and local agencies and equip local law enforcement officers with the tools they need to investigate and prosecute crimes. . . .

The act would allow federal authorities to become involved if local authorities are unwilling or unable to act.

You can call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to find the names of your representatives and leave a message asking for their votes. HRC has talking points you can use, if you like. You can also go to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force site to e-mail your representatives (though NGLTF is requesting that people phone in their support this close to the vote).

The ultra-right is out in force against this legislation. Gay bashings still happen. (Thanks, Pam.) The bill would cover hate crimes “motivated by prejudice based on the actual or perceived [my emphasis] . . . sexual orientation, gender identity . . . of the victim.” It is not uncommon for children of LGBT parents to be harassed for being “gay,” whether or not they are. It is a fine line between harassment and hate crime. Call Congress for your children, and all of us.

1 thought on “Take Action for Your Children: Federal Hate Crimes Bill Up for Vote on Thursday”

  1. Pingback: Mombian: Sustenance for Lesbian Moms » Blog Archive » House of Representatives Passes Hate Crimes Act

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