Passing along this information about a new study of LGBT parents, sponsored by the Gay Family Foundation. Please contact Melissa Noyes, as indicated at the bottom of the announcement, for more details or to participate. Melissa is working on this research project in fulfillment of her Masters in Public Health degree from The George Washington University.
The Gay Family Foundation needs your help. GFF is conducting focus groups with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered parents to better understand the unique needs LGBT parents have. This important work will provide direction for future research and interventions for LGBT families.
If you are a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered person with at least one child whom you are the primary caregiver of, you qualify to be a participant in this Important research. Focus groups are semi-structured interviews that need between 8 to 12 participants. The focus group session will last approximately 1 hour. Participants will also be asked to fill out a demographic questionnaire and the informed consent documents prior to the focus groups. Refreshments will be provided. If you cannot attend one of the session dates but would still like to participate, there is availability for telephone interviews!
Focus groups will be held on several dates for your convenience at the George Washington University Downtown Washington campus (located on the Orange and Blue Metro lines) and at the GFF Baltimore office. Dates and times for focus groups will be:
- Saturday, May 12th: 10:00am session or 12:00 noon session at George Washington University
- Monday, May 14th: 7:00 pm at George Washington University
- Saturday, May 19th: 9:00 am session or 11:00 am session at George Washington University
- Saturday, June 2nd: 12:00 noon at GFF office, Baltimore, MD
If you are interested in being a participant or would like more information, please contact Melissa Noyes at mn****@gw*.edu or 202-415-6512. Please provide your first name only and your preferred site location, time and date. For telephone interviews please include your number and the preferred day and time to reach you. Specific instructions (i.e. room location) will be provided to confirmed participants only. Thank you!