I was feeling a little butch and a little femme yesterday:
- Morning: Built forklift for son using wardrobe box, duct tape, and box cutter. I had promised to make him cool things out of boxes after we moved, thinking of houses and castles. He of course decided to test my skills with something more challenging. I rose to the occasion, though, with forks that really lift, an inside seat, and a door that opens and closes. I’d post instructions, but I’m not sure I could recreate the process.
Afternoon: Baked Mother’s Day cake from scratch for sweetie. (Mint chocolate fudge, if you’re interested.) Yes, it’s early, but it was the only way I could do it and surprise her.
I’ll have to get one of those orange Home Depot aprons to wear in the kitchen, though, just to tie it all together.
Yes, you need an orange apron for the kitchen. Hilarious. You know … I know someone who works at the Home Despot.
And serious kudos on the forklift! I’m very impressed, and son clearly has the most wonderful moms in the world.
Power of Isis!