Gay Starfall Founder Running for Congress

Starfall.comI wrote a few months ago about, the great free site for pre-reading and early reading games. Queerty reports today that one of Starfall’s founders, Jared Polis, is running for Congress from Colorado. If elected, he would be the state’s first openly gay representative.

I know nothing about Polis or his policies (Polis-ies?) beyond what’s on his Web site, but was struck by the happy coincidence of a gay man founding (with his parents) a (non-LGBT) children’s site I’ve long adored. Polis is a former chair of the Colorado State Board of Education, which explains his interest in children’s learning. I didn’t know he was gay (though it was no secret) until I read the news of his campaign. This just goes to show that sexual orientation matters not a whit when it comes to educating children. What does matter is that Polis embodies this point very publicly. Let’s hope that being out of the closet means he’s one of those rare politicians with no skeletons left there.

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