May 2007

House of Representatives Passes Hate Crimes Act

The U.S. House of Representatives this afternoon passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 (LLEHCPA), aka the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act. This is a major step towards enacting the legislation that will include protections against hate crimes on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, among other categories. It […]

Starting the Journey

(Originally published with slight modification in Bay Windows, May 3, 2007.) Prospective LGBT parents often ask me “Where do I start?” Because there is no established tradition for how we create our families, it is easy to feel like a stranger navigating Boston without a map. While no two people follow the exact same path

Children’s (and Adult) Activity: Blue Man Art

My preschooler has loved Blue Man Group, the offbeat musicians and entertainers, ever since he saw an exhibit featuring their PVC-pipe instruments at the Boston Children’s Museum. (Yes, we have something of a PVC-pipe obsession around here.) He loves to watch the video clips on their Web site, but his latest interest is their new

Preseason and Preschool

Today is the start of the WNBA preseason, giving me a needed dose of women’s-sports watching to tide me over until Wimbledon starts at the end of June. I am, as it happens, hopelessly inept at actually playing basketball (and softball, for that matter), but am finding I have to raise my game this year.

Take Action for Your Children: Federal Hate Crimes Bill Up for Vote on Thursday

We are closer than we’ve ever been to the passage of a federal hate-crimes act that includes sexual orientation and gender identity among its protected categories. The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 (LLEHCPA) this Thursday. LGBT-rights organizations are urging all supportive Americans to

Children and Race

What can you learn about race from a seven-year-old? Rachel at Alas, a blog explores this question based on her own experience, and it’s worth a read. If you’re a multi-racial family, you may find immediate resonances. Even if you’re not, however, it will give you a lot to ponder in terms of how our

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