Happy Father’s Day

A happy day to all the dads, GBT and not, as well as the lesbian parents who choose to celebrate this day as theirs. I’ll leave the day to you, and not offer any post of my own, except to point readers to a couple of posts by two of my favorite bloggers, who each represent one of those points of view:

  • Terrance at Republic of T cites a heartfelt Father’s Day wish list from Dennis Patrick, a plaintiff in a Michigan court case regarding domestic partnership benefits and the state’s anti-gay marriage statute.
  • Polly at LesbianDad makes A Baba’s Day Proclamation, reclaiming the holiday in a way that fits her family.

1 thought on “Happy Father’s Day”

  1. Thanks, Dana! A kind of strange holiday for me, and many other MTF trans-women who still love to be called “Daddy,” but one I’m very happy to have a reason to celebrate!

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