June 2007

Reading Roundup on Lesbian Moms

A few stories from round and about: “Gay woman’s home is haven for struggling youths” from Lower Hudson Online, is about Mary Keane, a single mother and lesbian in Westchester County, New York, who has opened her home to 18 foster or adopted children, some gay or lesbian and some straight. (Thanks, PageOneQ.) “Gay life: […]

New Jersey School Blacks Out Gay Couple’s Yearbook Photo

A New Jersey High School has taken every copy of its new yearbook and blacked out a photo of a student kissing his boyfriend—even though it left photos of opposite-sex couples kissing. The photo appeared in a section of pages that students may purchase to fill with pictures of family and friends. NJ.com reports: Newark

Weekly Political Roundup

The California Supreme Court asked lawyers in the state same-sex marriage case whether the state’s domestic-partnership law “provides all the benefits of marriage, and whether the term ‘marriage’ has special legal significance.” (Well, yes, otherwise why would we want it?) The University of Kentucky has expanded its health insurance scheme to include all dependents residing

Go Camp!

This Saturday, June 23, is the annual Great American Backyard Campout (GABC), an event sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation “for families, youth and individuals to camp out in their backyards or local parks and to discover the fun of being in the great outdoors.” For those with young children, it’s a chance to try

Mombian Turns Two

Two years ago today, I wrote my first post for Mombian. My goal was to create a blog of useful and fun news and resources for lesbian moms—as lesbians and as moms. Today, I look back on over 1000 posts, two successful Blogging for LGBT Families Days, almost 600 entries in the Mombian Resource Directory,

Giving Genetics the (Ring) Finger

Boys with ring fingers longer than their index fingers tend to do better in math, according to a new study by psychologists at the University of Bath. (Thanks, Slashdot.) This would be nothing more than an interesting tidbit that might make me check my son’s hands next time I cut his nails, except that it

Children and Identity: All Possibilities

Two articles today gave me cause for reflection about children of LGBT families and the development of identity: “I’m Not Gay, but My Four Mums Are,” in the Sydney Morning Herald profiles 21-year-old Eamon Waterford, who was born into a two-mom family, but acquired two more when they split up and repartnered. (Thanks, Abigail.) The

Family Voices III

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian mom Ruth, who lives in San Antonio with her partner Della and their eight children. Ruth writes “We have kids created nearly every way but alien abduction.” Although they live in a fairly conservative area of the country, their experiences with the legal and medical systems and

The Cheapening of Marriage

The “99 Cents Only” store in Lewisville, Texas, will be hosting a licensed minister on June 30 who will perform ceremonies at the store for—you guessed it—99 cents. Shouldn’t someone be defending against this sort of thing?

Vermont Judge Rules in Interstate Lesbian-Custody Case

In a case that bounced between the jurisdictions of Vermont and Virginia and was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court in April, a Vermont judge awarded Lisa Miller (formerly Miller-Jenkins) custody of her biological daughter, Isabella, though he mandated regular visitation rights for the girl’s non-biological mother, Janet Jenkins (formerly Miller-Jenkins). I’ve written about this

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