June 2007

You Say “Vegas of Gay Marriage” Like It’s a Bad Thing

After winning a vote to secure marriage rights for same-sex couples residing in Massachusetts, LGBT activists are moving on to the next target: rescinding a 1913 law that has been used to prevent out-of-state same-sex couples from having their nuptials here. (The law was originally used to prevent out-of-state interracial couples from marrying in the […]

Interview with Point Foundation Scholar and Mother Kim Hackford-Peer

Last Monday, I posted an interview with Tina Owen, one of the winners of this year’s Point Foundation scholarships. Today, the other Point Scholar who is also a parent, Utah resident Kim Hackford-Peer, gives us her thoughts on winning the scholarship, parenting, and education. Kim is pursuing her PhD in Education Culture and Society at

Happy Father’s Day

A happy day to all the dads, GBT and not, as well as the lesbian parents who choose to celebrate this day as theirs. I’ll leave the day to you, and not offer any post of my own, except to point readers to a couple of posts by two of my favorite bloggers, who each

Upcoming TV Shows on LGBT Families

Public television stations around the country are broadcasting many specials for Pride Month. Here are a few about LGBT families that caught my eye: In the greater New York area, WNET will be airing: Mom’s Apple Pie: The Heart of the Lesbian Mothers’ Custody Movement: This film, narrated by Kate Clinton, was an official selection

MomsRising Petitions Congress to Stop Toxic Toys

If you are as incensed as I am over the recent recall of millions of Thomas the Tank Engine trains, you might want to pop over to MomsRising and sign their petition to tell Congress and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): “Testing children’s products for toxic chemicals must be a priority. No more toxic

Add LGBT Voices to New Parenting Encyclopedia Babblepedia

Parenting megasite Babble has just launched Babblepedia, a Wikipedia-like “Encyclopedia of Parenting Knowledge” that “anyone can edit.” It’s a great idea, though the usual cautions apply about doing your own thorough research before believing anything you read online. Here’s the action item: Go contribute to Babblepedia to make sure LGBT families are well represented. Many

Weekly Political Roundup

The big news of the week is the resounding victory for marriage equality in Massachusetts. Legislators voted 45 to 151 against sending a proposed amendment banning same-sex marriage to voters in November. This kills the matter until, at a very minimum, 2012; given Democratic Governor Deval Patrick’s support for LGBT rights and general sentiment in

Massachusetts Constitutional Convention: We Won!

The legislators of Massachusetts did the right thing. Final vote was 45 in favor of sending a same-sex marriage ban to the voters; 151 against. Congratulations to all those who fought for this and supported the cause of equality. Now I need to call my spouse at work and tell her the news.

Live from Boston: The Fight for Marriage Equality

For those of you interested in following today’s crucial same-sex marriage vote at the Constitutional Convention in Massachusetts: Bay Windows is live blogging the proceedings The Massachusetts House of Representatives Web site will provide a live Web cast starting at 1:00 Blue Mass Group is also posting updates throughout the day

Book Review: “The Brides of March”

(Originally published on Bay Windows, June 14, 2007. Read an excerpt from the book in my post from yesterday.) When the Goodridge decision first made same-sex marriage a reality in Massachusetts, it sparked a string of jurisdictions around the country to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Beren DeMotier’s The Brides of March: Memoir

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