Another Week, Another Toy Recall

Toy maker Mattel announced its second toy recall in a month. Some of the items are die-cast cars containing high levels of lead, while millions of others contain small magnets that could cause fatal intestinal perforation or blockage if swallowed. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has details.

I have the urge to give my son no toys except those we have carved ourselves from naturally fallen wood in our backyard. No, that’s a bit extreme. I might include salt dough made with organic flour.

On a more serious note, here are a few resources on toy safety and lead poisoning:

  • The American Academy of Pediatrics has several guides on toy safety for children from newborn to 14 years old, as well as information on lead poisoning and screening.
  • The Centers for Disease Control lists a variety of products that may contain high levels of lead, and cautions “A variety of work and hobby activities and products” may also expose adults and their families to lead.
  • Keeping Your Kids Safe from Lead Jewelry, by the Sierra Club, offers useful hints like “Avoid purchasing toys from vending machines. In 2004, 150 million pieces of children’s jewelry were recalled from vending machines nationwide,” “Avoid glossy, fake painted pearls which may be painted with lead-paint,” and “Test suspect jewelry. LeadCheck swabs are available at most local hardware stores. . . . You can also order test kits online at”

5 thoughts on “Another Week, Another Toy Recall”

  1. This is really making me mad! We’ve had five different toys in these two Mattel/Fisher Price recalls, though all of them were manufactured outside the recall dates and weren’t affected. Still, I feel like I should throw them all out; I definitely don’t trust these toy makers anymore.

  2. I too find it morally repugnant that the leader in children’s toys had “no idea” that lead paints were being used.

    Do they not do any quality checks of their own on stuff they purchase from China?

    The trust factor is GONE.

  3. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » Book Recommendation: Steven Caney’s Toy Book

  4. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » Yet More Toy Recalls

  5. Hey Everyone—

    I have important news to share. Mattel is recalling millions of toys made in China and recently announced they are expanding the recall for the fifth time to include Barbie accessories.

    We are working with a law firm that is very concerned with the slow speed at which Mattel is moving on these recalls and is investigating ways to make the process faster and more complete. If you or someone you know owns any of the toys, we would love to hear from you and your experiences in learning about the recall. Send an e-mail explaining your experiences to in**@hb*****.com or check out the Web site on this issue:;jsessionid=aLB778hMzY0a

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