Weekend Reading

A few highlights of note from mainstream media:

  • In “A Reason to Take the Early Bus Home,” Michael Winerip of the New York Times last week profiled two gay dads in Montclair, New Jersey. It’s nice to see dads getting coverage—when mainstream media does cover LGBT parenting, it’s most often about us moms.
  • Having said that, Lornet Turnbull of the Seattle Times in fact reported on a local gay dads group two weeks ago, in “Gay Dads Meet Kindred Spirits.”
  • In “Same-Sex And Worried About Retirement,” Martha Hamilton of the Washington Post gives an overview of some of the financial hurdles facing same-sex couples, including those with children:

    In some states, only one member of a same-sex couple is allowed to be the legal parent of the couple’s child or children. Only that parent will be able to cover a child under employer-provided health insurance. Often that means that the insured parent will feel he or she can’t retire or change jobs because it would result in the loss of dependent health insurance.

    Not to mention that all of the other financial hurdles impact not only our retirement, but our ability to save for our children’s education, put them in decent daycare, and buy them the latest branded gizmos (which no doubt contain lead and will have to be returned in a week).

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