Marriage Leads to Housework, At Least for Women

IronMarried men say they do less housework than unmarried cohabiting men, according to a new international study published in the Journal of Family Issues. Cohabiting women, however, report doing less housework than married women, and cohabiting men still do less than cohabiting women. The lead author of the study, according to USA Today, says “the institution of marriage seems to have an effect on couples that traditionalizes their behavior, even if they view men and women as equals.”

Oh, great. So as same-sex couples are allowed to marry, gay men will start living in squalor while we gals will begin channeling June Cleaver?

3 thoughts on “Marriage Leads to Housework, At Least for Women”

  1. I wonder if the study controlled for age. That could be a factor since I would assume that older couples would be more likely to have a traditional gender divide of for labor and be more likely to be married.

    And gay men living in squalor? Hmmmm… many keep fabulous households, but then again, I remember I lived with another gay man in college and we rented the extra bedroom out to a staight pothead. He said that he thought we’d be all neat and clean but then realized from us that that was a stereotype, lol. He was actually the cleanest one of all of us, and we were the gay non-drug users!

  2. Hmm. I can see this happening. However, with me working 40 hours weeks and Mr. Micah teaching college (only 10 hours max outside the home) he does most of the housework. I just ask him to do one chore at a time and he seems happy to help. I do things periodically…

    But if I become a writer and he takes on a heaver courseload, I can see that reversing.


  3. Bahahahaha!

    OK, I am highly amused by your personal theory on this one… that’s just damned funny.

    (And channeling June Cleaver is a downright scary proposition! But I can see it happening, too…)

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