August 2007

Red Sox or Wicked?

My partner and I took our son to his first baseball game this past weekend. It was a minor-league game, since we figured that at four years old, his attention span might not last a full nine innings, even with Cracker Jacks and ice cream. (We were right, despite the attraction of the grinning-baseball mascot.) […]

Book Recommendation: Steven Caney’s Toy Book

With toy recalls coming faster than a toddler’s diaper changes these days, it seems natural to turn to homemade options for our children’s playthings. One great resource for toy ideas is Steven Caney’s Toy Book. First published in 1972, it was reissued in 1990 and still stands the test of time. Some toys are simple,

Blog Overhaul

As you can see, I’ve done a bit of work on the site over the weekend: upgraded to the latest and greatest version of WordPress (all the cool kids are doing it) and updated the look. Mombian is now wider, which, among other things, should mean a more pleasant reading experience for most of you.

Baby, Will You Marry Me?

Proving the importance of a good copyeditor, lawmakers in Arkansas passed a law this year that mistakenly allows state residents of any age—even babies—to marry with parental permission, as long as they are not pregnant. The bill says: “In order for a person who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age and who is

Weekly Political Roundup

New Jersey dominated the headlines this week, but there’s also good news from Oklahoma, a celebrity marriage in Canada, and some items of bad news from round and about to remind us why we need to keep fighting. On a lighter note, if you haven’t yet seen the Daily Show’s take on the HRC/LOGO Presidential

“Family Voices” in Spanish

For the past two months, I’ve posted Family Voices, a series of interviews with LGBT families from around the country. The families volunteered because of their involvement in the Family Pride Coalition’s OUTSpoken Families program, and their commitment to speaking with their local communities and media about their lives and the need for LGBT equality.

Google Prototypes Health-Information Service Codenamed After Lesbian Mom

Google has released the first screenshots of a new health-information service that will allow people easier access to and greater control of their medical records. Leaving aside the vast and frightening security issues, this seems like a good idea. The project is still in development, but is going by the codename “Weaver.” At least one

Back to School Conversations

My son is starting preschool in two weeks, and I’m viewing the event with a mixture of excitement and hesitation. As a reformed academic myself, who always saw September, rather than January, as the real start of the year, I can’t help thinking that he’s embarking on the first steps of an adventure that will

Another Week, Another Toy Recall

Toy maker Mattel announced its second toy recall in a month. Some of the items are die-cast cars containing high levels of lead, while millions of others contain small magnets that could cause fatal intestinal perforation or blockage if swallowed. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has details. I have the urge to give my son

Family Voices VII

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian moms Nikki and Jody, who live in New Jersey with their infant daughter and Nikki’s father. Below, they talk about their tempestuous first meeting, using a known donor, being out to employers, dealing with relatives, parenting as the lesbian daughter of a gay dad, having a civil

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