Passing this announcement along by request—I have no affiliation or experience with the below group. (If you have similar announcements, please e-mail me directly as Cheryl did, rather than leave a comment on an unrelated post. If I get a lot of such requests, I may set up an online calendar.)
Considering Parenthood?
This may be the biggest decision of your life. Considering Parenthood is designed to help individuals, couples and co-parents to make the decision about whether they really want to parent or, if they have already decided to parent, what they can expect and what adjustments will have to be made. Participants discuss topics such as how we bring children into our lives, time, money, family, support systems, legal protections, the issues children with gay and lesbian parents face in our society and how to maintain healthy adult relationship while parenting.
The group size is limited to eight. The cost is $200 for the entire 6 weeks, or $35 a week. To register or for more information, contact Cheryl Deaner at 415-876-7006 or Ch****@ch**********.com.
Date: Saturdays, October 6 through November 9, 10:00-11:30am
Location: 842 Elizabeth St., San FranciscoCheryl Deaner is a Marriage and Family Therapist, a parent, a founder of Our Family Coalition and the Alternative Family Project. Cheryl has facilitated Considering Parenthood classes and groups for the Lesbian Health Research Center, Lyon Martin Women’s Health Services, Parents Place and in her therapy practice.