Logging Off: Guest Post by Mary W. Foulk

I’m pleased to publish a guest post by Mary W. Foulk, a writer, new mom, and lesbian film critic. whose work has appeared at Lesbian Life, among other places. Today, she reminds all of us techno-geeks and bloggers that it’s important to unplug once in a while.

mfoulk.jpgI recently attended InVerge 2007: an interactive convergence conference in Portland, Oregon, the city where I live. It was a fascinating two days during which media “thought-leaders” discussed the latest in technology trends and strategies. As a writer and educator who has spent several years in the field of educational technology, I was interested to learn more about the concept of convergence, how teaching and learning might be impacted. As a parent, I wanted a better understanding of what role media and technology might play in my son’s life.

Note that I have a four-month-old. I may be thinking ahead a bit but ever since his birth, I can’t help but wonder how absolutely everything will impact him. I find myself obsessing about what we eat, watch, read, listen to, do in our daily lives. What kind of world will he inherit? What new worlds will he enter and inhabit? How can I help him navigate?

One speaker mesmerized me. He was charming, witty, well versed in techie terms. He danced, he dazzled, and I could see how he might win the hearts and minds of clients everywhere. He recounted a recent story in which he climbed a nearby mountain, a solo journey. When he got to the summit, he thought, “ How I wish I could ‘flick’ my friends, blog my experience right here and now.” He couldn’t believe his cell’s Internet connection wasn’t working. The audience laughed. I was stunned. His first thoughts were of blogging?! I wanted to raise my hand and ask, “But what about the views? Did you relish the moment?” Could you, without the handheld?

I love technology. I do. I love what it affords us—the ability to communicate, collaborate, connect, (almost) anytime, (almost) anywhere. I also lament what we often lose, the emotional content, the intimacy of contact. I look forward to sharing with my son what I know and to learning from him as he grows. One lesson I am excited to impart: How to Log Off, enjoy the rising moon, the setting sun.

Mary Foulk is a writer/educator who lives in Portland, OR with her amazing wife, Alyson, and their beautiful son, Grady. She loves being a parent and never realized how deeply challenging, moving, fun it could be. When not doing laundry or attempting to put a onesie on a fidgety baby, she enjoys exploring the incredible views of the Pacific Northwest, critiquing lesbian movies, and attempting to read something other than an anxiety-provoking parenting how-to.

3 thoughts on “Logging Off: Guest Post by Mary W. Foulk”

  1. Grady is really cute! (I spend the first minute or so of trying to read this cooing instead)

    Even before I started blogging, I’ve always had the desire to share things that excite me. But you’re right, it’s good to be unplugged and just look around us, to experience things.

  2. I still feel so old school when it comes to the current uses of technology. While spending time with my sister yesterday, I was musing over questions about my son’s teething process. Before I finished my thought, she had blackberry in hand and was reading various info she had found on the web about teething. Although very helpful, it was also unnerving to have such access to information within seconds. If my sister had not been there, I probably would have called another mama friend and had a long conversation about our experiences. Did the use of the blackberry really inform me, or make me miss out on connecting with another living, breathing human being?

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